Thursday, 30 April 2015

Shocking Reasons why Synthetic Fertilizers are Bad

5 Shocking Reasons why Synthetic Fertilizers are Bad Before we go ahead and see how synthetic fertilizers could be bad to our ecosystem (including humans). Let us first understand what fertilizers are and what are its utilities? Fertilizers Fertilizer is an agent which enhances the plants growth by supplying nutrients which are essential for its growth. It is vital to understand the application of fertilizers otherwise can lead to cut yield potential and will consequently result in monetary loss. So, there are two ways in which these nutrients can reach to the plant either via soil or leaves. There are different types of fertilizers available in the market namely organic and inorganic. Organic fertilizers Organic fertilizers are prepared based on the what nutrients does the soil requires and are usually manufactured from the same ingredient. The raw materials required can be • A plant itself • Animal based such as manure • Mineral such as calcium The materials that are used in preparation of organic fertilizers are ecofriendly so it doesn’t harm the environment. Inorganic fertilizers Inorganic fertilizers can also be stated as synthetic fertilizers as they are prepared artificially using chemicals or minerals synthetically. They typically include chemicals such as ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, potassium chloride (potash), triple superphosphate, and magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts). The benefits from synthetic fertilizers are numerousbut, we can’t negate the evil side also. Here are five shocking reason why synthetic fertilizers are really bad: 1. Long term negative effects Synthetic fertilizer doesn’t support micro biological life in soil. It actually diminishes the life of vital microorganisms in the soil.Do you know how many of them live in your own lawn? There are billions or even more in a mere handful of soil. They play an essential role in maintaining the fertility of soil and hence help in maintaining soil ecosystem. 2. Builds up Toxic Salt Heavy or improper applications can lead to improper level of pH level of soil which can result in following problems • Nutrients lock up resulting in deficient soil • Reducing the vital microorganisms • Hindrance to air & water flow following tightening of soil • Making the life of plants difficult 3. Sometimes Lead to Weaker and Disease Prone Plants Yes it is true that synthetic / chemical fertilizers can boost the growth of plants by releasing nutrients too quickly. But this can lead to improper growth of roots which can result in weaker and disease prone plants. Such a weak and disease plant can lead to severe economic loss in terms of less fruiting and would do no good who consumes its fruits. 4. Bad for the our Ecosystem (Water Pollution) Chemicals such as phosphate can wreak havoc to the environment where we live and the food we eat. This phosphate reaches the water bodies via eroded soil or agriculture drainage water. If we drink water or eat any of the plants or fish living in such kind of water bodies, it can cause severe illness such as acute liver failure. 5. Greenhouse Effect Nitrogen based fertilizers are also a major cause of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide; N¬2o (just like carbon dioxide) can contribute climate change. Even ammonium based fertilizers can have severe impact on global warming as they increase the chances of methane emissions. Besides, the above stated disadvantages or adverse impacts (depends on how you want to call them) which the synthetic fertilizers can cause, there are others as well which are even more dangerous. These can affect the lives of your little ones or even your pets. The research has shown that there are health problems (includes cancer) associated if anyone comes in direct or indirect contact. Children are more prone to such casualties due to their physiological development, size and their immediacy to the ground. References

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